Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Boy Bed

The big day came. My baby got a real big boy bed and a new room! We've been painting like crazy...(and spending money like crazy) get it all done. Here's a shot of our big boy in his new room. Doesn't he look so little? We were planning on getting him a bed & dresser but saw this storage bed with drawers on the front & side & thought it would be perfect for his we saved money by not buying a dresser. Now I get to decorate it...that's the fun part. I was thinking of a superhero theme. You all just have to come visit & let Matthew show you his new room!! Have a great day!


Ben said...

So cute! I can't wait for Ben to get a big boy bed...well maybe I can :)

Christina said...

I know...I'm happy but sad at the same time. Bill already took down the crib and it is sitting in the attic...boohoo! Well, time for another one...just kidding!