Friday, October 29, 2010

Computer Crashed!

My computer crashed! We have a Dell XPS All in one...only 3 years old. It's been slow & freezing on me. A few weeks ago I realized it gets real hot on top, and then realized that I never hear the internal fan run.
Thankfully, Bill bought me a laptop for our anniversary. Thankfully it was still under warranty and thankfully the people at Dell are terrific. I chatted on my laptop with a woman named grace, who ordered me new parts. And at this time, Mr. Jim has opened up my computer and a new one and began transferring all the important memory parts onto the new one. madison took one look at ours and said "Mom, theres the fan & it's covered in dust...I bet that's why it wasn't working right!". Mr. Jim agreed. As the girls and I looked on, we noticed that a couple of the tiny parts looked like electromagnets (the science topic for the week). Mr. Jim gave us a quick talk on the use of electromagnets in computers...pretty neat. Then madison saw a little Greek symbol on one of the parts. Madison reminded me that it was the symbol for Ohm...the measurement for resistance. Isn't it just like God to take something annoying, like my computer & turn it into an interesting science lesson...I love when that happens!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lancaster Field Trip Day

I packed the kids up Wednesday morning and met Nana & Poppy at the Herr's potato chip factory where we got see how all the chips & pretzel are made. We got to eat chips right off the conveyor belt...warm & crispy to perfection! No other chips can compare now! We also visited the Science Factory which was a huge warehouse filled with fun science exhibits, puzzles, and learning stations. The kids ran from place to place...we had the whole place to ourselves! The greatest part was that everything represented in the Science Factory was exactly what we were learning in science! Electricity, magnetism, energy and force. How much better were they learning science there than sitting in a classroom with a boring science textbook! Enjoy the pics...and KUDOS to Poppy for planning out such a great field trip day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Soccer Stars

Here are a few shots of the girls doing soccer. They have really enjoyed playing this year since daddy is their coach (for Madison's team) and also because they have scored goals this year. Adrienne's been doing so well. She is very fast and is able to get to the ball alot quicker than the other girls & be able to score. Madison has really improved her ball handling skills & kick. They are both really good in goal. I'm not a huge soccer fan...but I am a huge fan of my soccer stars!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Apple Pie

 While Bill was away for a week in Virginia, Gege came to stay with us. She was a blessing. She made soup, did laundry, did dishes, read & entertained the kids and was a very good teacher's aide. It was really nice having the time to chat and watch her enjoy the kids. It's hard not living closer, so we really cherish these special times. Here's some pictures of the apple pie we made from the apples we picked at Linvilla. Gege did most of it, while I watched so I could do it next time. I was surprised how easy it was. It tasted just as good as it looks with vanilla/caramel ice cream on the side...mmmm.
**Had to do the before & after shots**