Thursday, January 19, 2012


10:31. October 31st. The day I was born. I can't tell you how many time I see a digital clock & it says 10:31.
I feel like it's God's way of telling me how much He loves me.
I was saved from my sins in 1996 when Jesus Christ became a real person in my life. His death on the cross became very real to me. His love for me became very real to me. What did I do to deserve this love? Absolutely nothing. What did I do to NOT deserve it? Lots and Lots. Lately I have been filled with such gratefulness and thankfulness in my life. I feel like God has given me so much. He didn't need to bless me. He doesn't need to lavish love on me...but He does...and it hasn't stopped.
Going through this trial with Bill losing his job brought me to my knees. I have not prayed this much in my entire life. And guess what! He has heard my prayers and answered them. He has closed doors and opened one door. Opened it wide and as we walk through we receive confirmation that "this is the way, walk in it". We can't wait to shout it out and tell everyone what He has done!!! But for now we wait  a little...we wait till the papers are signed and an announcement is made. So in the mean time I rejoice and I rest in God's loving arms, in awe of how He loves His children.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year Makeover

Our living room is the darkest place in our home. I attempted to brighten it years ago with a bright yellow color...not a good idea. Yellow looks strange in a low-lit room. The paneling on the walls doesn't help much either. We were planning on ripping the walls down, putting in lights, new dry wall and trim. But when Bill lost his job, I thought let's do a little makeover instead of the whole shabang. So New Years Eve and Day I spent painting. I chose I light beige, Brown Sugar. I bought 2 gallons for $17! What a deal! Then I found some fabric on sale at Joanns and made new curtains & a couple pillows. Lamp shades with my target gift card from mom & dad. The frames were a gift from Nana & Poppy. Voila! A new room for a total cost of $65. Happy New Year everyone! Here's to new beginnings and homier homes!

Thursday, January 5, 2012