Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finished Finally!

It's been almost 3 years since we put the addition on to our home and it's nice to say that the decorating in our master bedroom is finally finished! Since we had the room built, I imagined this traditional cottage style room in blue. We were used to being in such small rooms before, where we only had room for a bed, a dresser & an armoire. This room is now so much bigger that it was really fun to be able to add a desk, a bookshelf, 2 sitting chairs and now.....MY MIRROR!!!!!

I always wanted a pretty cheval mirror and saw it everywhere in brown...but I wanted it in white or antique color. Last week my mother-in-law and father-in-law came to visit and walked through the front door with this big box. They found a white cheval mirror at the Christmas Tree Store & picked it up for me....YAY! Poppy put it together & I carried it up to our room & voila! Isn't it pretty?
Thanks Nana & Poppy! I love my new mirror!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

First Meet

The girls had their very first gymnastics meet. It was a mock meet with no judges or scores. A good starting place for them. They were both excited & nervous & we had many conversations about 'butterflies' the morning of the meet. You'll notice Adrienne does a cartwheel on beam because this is in the level 5 routine & they are hopefully progressing to level 5 next year. Only a couple girls were ready to try the cartwheel on the high beam. I missed filming bars because my flip video needed new batteries. We are so proud of the girls. Hope you enjoy the video.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Send Them on the Bus

Some days I wonder what my life would be like if I just sent them on the bus...all 3.
Kisses & hugs, zip up the coat, hand them their lunch, and wave goodbye.
Would I love it? Would I work? Would I teach aerobics or spinning? Would I take naps? Would I go out to lunch with friends? Would I wander around Home Goods to my hearts content? Would my house be tidy & clean all the time? I wonder.
These thoughts come into my head occasionally...on those days when fighting, whining and bad attitudes fill my day.
But then there are days like Wednesday. Adrienne's assignment was to write in her journal. As we talked about it she started to cry. "What if I spell the words wrong?"
"It's ok Adrienne...spell them the way they sound, I won't correct them, as long as you try."
More tears.
So I sat with her on my bed and opened up my journal. I write my prayers to God in my journal. I started doing this in 1996, when I got saved. Today I have about 6 journals that contain my struggles, my fears, bible verses, victories, words of thanksgiving, and words of anger...all of it.
I read one entry to Adrienne. I told her my writing was not perfect, but the words come from my heart. and one day when I am gone, my children & grandchildren will read these journals, and know what was in my heart and how the Lord met me right where I was at. I encouraged Adrienne to write her prayers if she wanted to. To write whatever was in her heart. Was she scared about her meet this weekend? Was she angry, sad, happy? I kissed and, told her I loved her & left her alone.
And then she wrote...."Lord help me   I nede you help   I wot too tern too you    Love Adrienne"
She was so excited. I encouraged her & she has written 5 more times in her journal.
Then I thought...I would have missed it. If I sent her on the bus. I would have missed it and so much more!
I don't believe homeschooling is for every family...but for ours right now, it works and we believe it's what is best for our kids. What a wonderful opportunity for me to take hold of these moments with my kids...maybe even prepare them for the day they do get on that bus.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Memories Slideshow

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 1111

2011! I can't believe another year has come and gone...it seems to go faster and faster every year!
Today was supposed to be rest day but it was definitely a work day. The tree, the decorations, the toys, the gifts, the closets, the rugs, the dishes....all are done, (wait...not the dishes yet...there is still a looming pile of dishes in the sink...it can wait).
Christmas was fantastic! It started on the 18th with the Roths...lots of food and even more presents. The van was bursting as we drove home from Lancaster.
Christmas Eve was terrific. Steak dinner, the church for worship & candle lighting. I can never really enjoy the candle lighting though...between Madison almost lighting a woman's white winter coat that hung on the chair in front of us on fire, to Matthew trying to spill his wax all over his seat...it's better I don't look away from them to enjoy the singing. Then the kids changed into their jammies in the car...which was a hilarious project in itself. Then we enjoyed dunkin donuts while driving around looking at lights.
Christmas day was perfect...the kids loved all their presents and always reward us with their exuberant shouts & thank you's...I love how my kids are so expressive & excited....and thankful for their gifts.
Then we all hopped in the car & headed to Grand Island.
The true Christmas miracle was that it never snowed & was actually SUNNY in Cortland & Syracuse!!!Thank you LORD for nice driving weather! At my parents we talked, laughed, ate, opened gifts, ate, slept, ate, opened more gifts, ate...well you get the picture. We played the wii at Dee & John's, (my sister won....I call for a rematch!!!) and we saw the 3rd Narnia movie...best one so far I thought...it was terrific!
So that was our Christmas in a nutshell. My heart is filled with thankfulness & love for my family & for all I have been blessed with. So 2011...bring it on. I'll end with this Piper quote:
"God promises new troubles (Mat. 6:34), new mercies (Lam 3:23), and new hope (2 Cor 4:16) for every day this year.
PS...pictures soon to come!