Friday, January 14, 2011

Send Them on the Bus

Some days I wonder what my life would be like if I just sent them on the bus...all 3.
Kisses & hugs, zip up the coat, hand them their lunch, and wave goodbye.
Would I love it? Would I work? Would I teach aerobics or spinning? Would I take naps? Would I go out to lunch with friends? Would I wander around Home Goods to my hearts content? Would my house be tidy & clean all the time? I wonder.
These thoughts come into my head occasionally...on those days when fighting, whining and bad attitudes fill my day.
But then there are days like Wednesday. Adrienne's assignment was to write in her journal. As we talked about it she started to cry. "What if I spell the words wrong?"
"It's ok Adrienne...spell them the way they sound, I won't correct them, as long as you try."
More tears.
So I sat with her on my bed and opened up my journal. I write my prayers to God in my journal. I started doing this in 1996, when I got saved. Today I have about 6 journals that contain my struggles, my fears, bible verses, victories, words of thanksgiving, and words of anger...all of it.
I read one entry to Adrienne. I told her my writing was not perfect, but the words come from my heart. and one day when I am gone, my children & grandchildren will read these journals, and know what was in my heart and how the Lord met me right where I was at. I encouraged Adrienne to write her prayers if she wanted to. To write whatever was in her heart. Was she scared about her meet this weekend? Was she angry, sad, happy? I kissed and, told her I loved her & left her alone.
And then she wrote...."Lord help me   I nede you help   I wot too tern too you    Love Adrienne"
She was so excited. I encouraged her & she has written 5 more times in her journal.
Then I thought...I would have missed it. If I sent her on the bus. I would have missed it and so much more!
I don't believe homeschooling is for every family...but for ours right now, it works and we believe it's what is best for our kids. What a wonderful opportunity for me to take hold of these moments with my kids...maybe even prepare them for the day they do get on that bus.


Anonymous said...

What a great blog. Thank you for this. It is truly encouraging to see the opportunities you have had with our kids. SHMILY

Christina said...

thanks shmily

Rachel said...

Great post, Christina...great reminder and example...good job, Adrienne!

Christina said...

Thanks Rachel!