Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 1111

2011! I can't believe another year has come and seems to go faster and faster every year!
Today was supposed to be rest day but it was definitely a work day. The tree, the decorations, the toys, the gifts, the closets, the rugs, the dishes....all are done, (wait...not the dishes yet...there is still a looming pile of dishes in the can wait).
Christmas was fantastic! It started on the 18th with the Roths...lots of food and even more presents. The van was bursting as we drove home from Lancaster.
Christmas Eve was terrific. Steak dinner, the church for worship & candle lighting. I can never really enjoy the candle lighting though...between Madison almost lighting a woman's white winter coat that hung on the chair in front of us on fire, to Matthew trying to spill his wax all over his's better I don't look away from them to enjoy the singing. Then the kids changed into their jammies in the car...which was a hilarious project in itself. Then we enjoyed dunkin donuts while driving around looking at lights.
Christmas day was perfect...the kids loved all their presents and always reward us with their exuberant shouts & thank you's...I love how my kids are so expressive & excited....and thankful for their gifts.
Then we all hopped in the car & headed to Grand Island.
The true Christmas miracle was that it never snowed & was actually SUNNY in Cortland & Syracuse!!!Thank you LORD for nice driving weather! At my parents we talked, laughed, ate, opened gifts, ate, slept, ate, opened more gifts, ate...well you get the picture. We played the wii at Dee & John's, (my sister won....I call for a rematch!!!) and we saw the 3rd Narnia one so far I was terrific!
So that was our Christmas in a nutshell. My heart is filled with thankfulness & love for my family & for all I have been blessed with. So 2011...bring it on. I'll end with this Piper quote:
"God promises new troubles (Mat. 6:34), new mercies (Lam 3:23), and new hope (2 Cor 4:16) for every day this year. soon to come!


Anonymous said...

It was a really nice Christmas minus Jonathan. Sad to say goodbye to it and my tree, but on the the New Year.....Love & Miss you....

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time off with the family. You forgot to mention the trip to see Disney on Ice, then while leaving having to jump my truck due to a dead battery. ha ha. I love you honey, we created alot of memories.