Thursday, April 30, 2009

She Reads!

The challenge for many homeschool moms is learning how to teach each child in the way that they learn best. Madison begged me to teach her to read at 4 and was reading on her own at 5. She is an eager learner and picks things up quickly. As her teacher...she's easy to teach. Adrienne is completely different. She processes things much slower and is timid in her learning often because of fear she'll be wrong or make mistakes...she HATES making mistakes. I have taken a much more hands-off method with her. I want to build her confidence slowly by not pushing her and ultimately discouraging her in her learning. This year I did alot of reading out loud to her and only did formal teaching when she requested it. So we do math books and letter books and lots of playdoh & crafts. Recently we have been working on her lowercase letters by making them with playdoh & then sounding them out. I plan on doing a more formal language arts and math program in September. This morning, Adrienne was very motivated to do school (after much encouragement from daddy last night) so I grabbed Madison's Kindergarten readers, and with a little help, she sounded out the letters and was able to blend them pretty easily and was off reading! (Thank you God!) Alot of high-fives and a lollipop later, my little girl was encouraged and hopefully on her way to the world of reading. I pray the Lord would give me wisdom to teach all my kids (and alot of patience) for as long as he calls me to do this. My main goal for them is that they would LOVE reading and LOVE learning. Great Job Little A! We are soooo proud of you!

Monday, April 27, 2009


This morning I thought I would share the kids artwork with you. This month at Compass, Madison learned all about art, various art media, and artists in history. She really loved it. Here are her pictures: The apple and a self portrait after looking into a mirror.

These are Adrienne's paintings:

And Matthew's sun that he made at Compass. Then the whole class sang, "Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!" (too cute).

And here are Adrienne & Matthew's bunny & frog crafts that Gege & Papa sent them for Easter.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Made For Another World

John Piper writes in his book, The Dangerous Duty of Delight, "God has put eternity in man's mind and filled the human heart with longing. But we know not what we long for until we see the breathtaking God. This is the cause of universal restlessness. Hence the famous prayer of Saint Augustine: 'You made us for yourself and our hearts find no peace till they rest in you.'"

"The world has an inconsolable longing. It tries to satisfy the longing with scenic vacations, accomplishments of creativity, stunning cinematic productions, sexual exploits, sports extravaganzas, hallucinogenic drugs, ascetic rigors, managerial excellence, etc. But the longing remains. What does this mean? C.S. Lewis answers:"

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

Monday, April 20, 2009

Matthew's New Ride

The weekend was absolutely beautiful. We did alot of work outside on the yard...pulled bulbs & re-planted them, laid topsoil, cleaned out the shed, and ripped up the dead grass in our backyard to seed. Bill brought home this Cadillac Escalade fully loaded (pretend leather seats & real working radio) for Matthew. Hip-Hop used it for a promotion and it was just sitting at the center so Bill thought he would put it to good use. Matthew LOVED it but was a little timid when learning to drive it. At one point he whispered to Bill, "I'm a little scared dad". He still needs to learn to steer a little better (like his daddy...haha!) and goes from side to side. The kids enjoyed being outside all weekend. Here's some pics...have a good week!

Friday, April 17, 2009

On A Mission...Again

Sorry I haven't posted this week...been fighting a sinus infection and feeling crummy. Speaking of feeling crummy, I've decided I really need to get healthy again. I spent 15 years of my younger life in the gym, training & working out. After having 3 kids and being pretty much sedentary (my arms get tired from folding laundry...yeah, it's bad), I really need to start exercising my body again. You would think I would be more motivated to exercise...with a degree in exercise physiology and being a former athlete...but no, I'm as lazy as they come. I don't enjoy exercise anymore...but hopefully that will change. I have what many women have after having kids...a separation in my abdominal muscles called rectus diastasis. I also think I have an underlying hernia near my belly button. This makes my core strength really weak. I often get muscle spasms & abdominal pain from it. I could probably use surgery, but before I do that I'm going to try to get my core stronger to see if that helps. So I created a little program for myself...and hopefully I can continue for longer than my usual one week. I'll let you know how it goes. In the mean time, enjoy this beautiful weekend!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures & Videos

Well it has been pretty busy for the Roth family. We traveled to Grand Island last Sunday for Papa's Funeral on Wednesday. It was good to be with my parents, brother & sister, and my aunt & uncle. It snowed & was freezing cold. We returned Wednesday evening and we were all exhausted from what seemed like the longest drive home ever. Thursday was COMPASS, Bill taught the HS boys Health & Fitness & I taught Adrienne's Kindergarten class. Then our kids all got sick with a cough & cold. Matthew saw the doctor Friday for wheezing, severe coughing & his lungs just sounded bad. They started him on an oral steroid and we all hibernated in the TV room to rest. Bill had a game on Friday and Saturday they were well enough to see the movie Monsters vs Aliens. On Easter Sunday I served at church and then we all traveled to Lancaster to have Easter dinner at Bill's parents. Here are some pictures of our time in NY and Easter and 2 videos especially for Gege & Papa from the kids Easter morning.

**Pause Playlist

Friday, April 10, 2009

Do You Know Him?

**Pause Playlist to hear video

Happy Easter from the 5 Happy Roths.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Papa's Rainbow

My Papa died yesterday morning of Congestive Heart Failure. My dad called me to tell me the sad news. We were all anticipating it so it didn't hit me right away. When Bill got home from work he said we were going out to eat. As we were getting into the van, we saw a huge rainbow. Bill said, "That's for Papa" and then it hit me. We went to Wendy's and sitting next to us were two little old guys just chatting away. As they got up to leave, the one man looked at Matthew, smiled and asked him how he was doing. They both chuckled as they left. Bill and I both started to cry. I just wish my Papa had more time with his great grandson. We will miss you Papa.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing Too Fast

The kids are growing up right before our eyes...way too fast! I'm holding on to every little tidbit of baby in my son. We played Hide and Seek the other day & this was Matthew's hiding place. He's still young enough to think he's hiding just because he can't see me. I love how little ones do that. So I took a picture of him. I want to treasure every minute I have with my kids because I know they will be all grown up in the blink of an eye. I am enjoying the freedom we have with no one in diapers & now Matthew is dressing himself & insists on doing everything without help. Life is easier & we are really enjoying all 3 of them. Part of me wants another baby though. I love my kids & think they are so cute..."We could make another one just as cute as they are!" I often say to Bill. I miss holding them close, so helpless, so sweet, their baby smell & sounds. I also see Bill gazing at the newborn babies in church; however he would be more content to be done having kids. But then I think, If I have another, how could I homeschool the kids & do it well? And it would also take precious time away from the other kids. And then there's my body to consider. I'm not 29 anymore. My pregnancies have always been pretty easy but after having Madison & Matthew I was real sick & even had to return to the hospital after delivering Matthew. So I pray and wait. I believe the Lord will give me peace about this decision and I trust He will lead Bill & I down the path towards His will for our family.