Friday, December 26, 2014

Roth Family Update

Wow! How fun it was looking back on all the old posts from 2008-2012! So much has happened since then so I thought I would update this lonely blog as we head into 2015. From 2012 to July of 2014 we were at the Delco Gym.
In the last post on this blog I shared how much of a blessing it was to have been given that opportunity to run a gymnastics business. After all that had happened...I still believe it was the Lord's plan for us. Being at Delco we met some pretty wonderful people. The staff, the kids, the parents and all the families. We made friends with many and learned so much about business and customer service.
It was also extremely difficult for our family. We faced many trials, many of which we cannot share. We believe the Lord used Delco to teach us how to love, how to fail, how to be humble and how to be bold. He taught us about finances, accounting, websites, registration, PayPal, and insurance. He taught us how to love the unloveable and difficult. How to care for hurting people. How to be patient, how to be calm, how to say sorry and how to forgive. When to let things go and when to stand up for what is right and good. The past two years have grown our marriage and our parenting. And now...I am so glad God closed that door.

In October we began our own gymnastics business, Roth's CrossPoint Gymnastics. We are negotiating for a 20,000 sq. foot facility in BOOTHWYN PA. We hope to begin construction in January. I cannot write down here all the times the Lord has met us through this journey. Through His word there was Joshua, all the Psalm, Isaiah, the book of James. Through our friends, prophetic words, encouragement, prayers, hugs. Through our family, texts, groceries, encouraging words, financial gifts. We are so grateful. Every word has been a sign to push forward to begin our own gym.
He gave us a vision. Provide an environment for kids to do well and LIVE well. Coaches providing excellent teaching through enthusiastic and encouraging coaching. A haven for hurting kids and families. A home away from home to grow strong minds and bodies. A family business with a firm foundation. We await patiently and at times, not so patiently. We trust in God's timing...but can you hurry God!?
I am still homeschooling. Madison is in 8th grade. Still loves reading and drawing...and her video games. She is growing into a sweet, beautiful young lady. She gave her life to Christ at Youth Camp in August and we see God moving in her life. Adrienne is in 5th grade. She is not a big fan of school but continues to persevere. She is an excellent gymnast and won Nationals on beam in June. She is an amazing beam girl. Determined and focused! She amazes me! Matthew is in 4th grade and does well. He loves video games and more video games. He also started gymnastics training which he enjoys as well. We hope to have a boys team at CPGsohe will be excited to have new 'brothers' to hang out with.
Well that's mostly everything. Here are a couple pics from our Disney Cruise in August. Yep...even in the midst of this trial God provided a family vacation. God is faithful and good!