Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Follow Me!

My girlfriends asked if they could follow me...my blog.
So if you click on the "Follow" Icon to the left and enter your google or yahoo account, I believe you will be notified when I do a new post. Seeing as I don't update my poor blog every day...I thought this would be fun to try. So follow me if you like...and thanks for coming back to read about our crazy family, and read all my misspellings, poor grammer, and scattered thoughts :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Why I Read & Thoughts on Marriage

I was never a reader. My mom would tell you. I would rather be doing something else. I always wished I could love it like my sister & my mom. Just sit with a good book in my lap and devour it happily. The reason for this is probably that my comprehension of what I read is pretty poor, so I have to slow down and really focus. Otherwise I end up reading the same paragraph over & over again. As I grew older I learned how to cope. In PA school I learned how to skim my medical books and highlite the important info I would need to learn for the test & actually was very successful doing this.
After I became a Christian and began reading the bible I realized that I had been missing out on alot of wisdom. The bible was full of it. Other books too. So now when I read I really want it to count. A good fictional book that has a great life lesson in it or one that makes me cry in the end...I love those. But mostly I read books that I can use to encourage me along as a Christian. To help me be a better wife to Bill and a mom to Mad, A, and Matthew. I want to grow & learn. I hate feeling complacent and stuck...so I read.
My girlfriend Barb gave me a wonderful book on marriage called Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. The title says this, "What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than happy?" Interesting concept huh?
In Ch. 2 the author says this: "Strong Christian marriages will still be struck by lightning- sexual temptation, communication problems, frustrations, unrealized expectations- but if marriages are heavily watered with an unwavering commitment to please God above everything else, the conditions won't be ripe for a devastating fire to follow the lightning strike. If I'm married only for happiness, and my happiness wanes for whatever reason, one little spark will burn the entire forest of my relationship. But if my aim is to proclaim and model God's ministry of reconciliation, my endurance will be fireproof."
Some really important pieces of wisdom right there. I'm grateful for the little reminders God gives me when I read. And here's the amazing thing. As I strive to become more holy as God calls me to...in His strength & grace...He gives me JOY!!! WOW...pretty amazing!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swimming and the Benefits of Sports

This year we have the joy of cheering on both of our girls on the swim team. Let me start with Madison. We debated whether to have her swim over the winter but with school, church & gymnastics, it was hard to fit it all in. We definitely see a talent there with her. She has always been a fish and with her loosey goosey body & flexible shoulders she has really done well this year. He best stroke is butterfly which any swimmer will tell you is the hardest stroke to do. Her dolphin kick is almost faster that her flutter kick (this I think is from pretending to be a mermaid in the water since she was 4). So far she has won 2 varsity swimming meets & we think this qualifies her to Championships. Her next best stroke is Breaststroke. She has a very clean stroke and I believe she won a race and placed second in another & hopefully she will swim breast at Championships as well...we'll see.

Now Adrienne is a completely different swimmer. She was very hesitant to swim on the team but after she realized she could make it all the way across doing freestyle and actually do a better dive than some of the older girls, she was excited to swim. She started out only swimming freestyle, (since that is the only stroke she learned). But last night she swam butterfly & breaststroke! Just by watching others and a couple pointers from Madison , daddy & me...she did so well! She made it all the way across and swam beautifully...like she had been doing it all along!
Words cannot express how amazing this experience has been for not just the girls but for Bill & I. To be able to cheer them on, encourage them & celebrate with them...the talents that God has given them...what an amazing blessing!!
I really believe that kids who participate in sports are better equipped to take on the challenges that life throws them. It helps you learn how to overcome fear, how to deal with failure & how to be humble when you win and do well. It strengthens your body & your mind and teaches you how to be disciplined. Now I have no idea if the girls will continue swimming as they grow, but Bill and I feel strongly that they eventually pick one sport that they LOVE to do and pursue it...whether that is swimming, gymnastics, softball, soccer...whatever (although I am hoping for swimming or gymnastics...and Bill, well you know what sport he's leaning towards :) Sports have also provided so many good opportunities to teach our kids important lessons. Humility is a big one. I am excited to see how God is going to use sports in our kid's lives to grow them and challenge them. But for now....SWIM FAST MY GIRLS....I LOVE YOU!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trip to Grand Island

Here are some pics my dad sent of my trip home...

Thanks for sending the CD Dad.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Yep...that's me. A slacker. My poor blog is lonely and deprived...so sorry blog. I am overwhelmed by the business of summer. Here's the recap....June was a whirlwind with birthdays...2 neices and Madison who had 2 parties...trips to Lancaster, Philadelphia and Atlantic City, swim practice, swim meets, gymnastics, and going to the pool. July hit me smack in the face...NOOOOO! Not July already! SLOW DOWN SUMMER!!!
Trip to good ol GI for my 20th reunion...so fun to see Melissa and Julie, my neighborhood friends and all my highschool classmates. Also got to see my friend Steph and her adorable kids Emma & Gavin. She cracks me up as she always has...love her. The kids had a blast & poor Gege & Papa who are surely still pooped from the whole weekend! Thanks again Mom & Dad! So sorry for slackin. Things still haven't settled down & probably won't till I am laying on a beach in Hilton Head. I'm off to a birthday party for Adrienne's friend Gianna. I promise to post some pics of the 4th and more summer fun.Oh and the flowers...well ya know, they just make me happy!