Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Great Sonlight Book

Bill just finished reading "Little Britches" by Ralph Moody to the kids last night. What a great book. Bill, myself & the girls were all crying at the end. The story takes place on a ranch in Colorado in 1906. We read about Little Britches in school dealing with a bully, how the family escaped a tornado, and struggled to just put food on the table. We read about faith and honor & standing up to do the right thing. The father dies from an infection after a horse accident in the end (sorry if I spoiled it for you:). Here is an excerpt from the last paragraph:

"Father had always said grace before meals; always the same twenty-five words, and the ritual was always the same. Mother would look around the table to see that everything was in readiness; then she would nod to father. That night she nodded to me, and I became a man."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Boys Campout

Life can be hard for a little boy with 2 older sisters. Just ask my brother about being dressed up in a pink tutu, being coaxed out of his crib at night just so that he would get into trouble when he didn't know how to climb back in, and everything else that goes along with it...I know...mean wasn't it. I remember my sister and I yelling to my parents..."Jonathan's out of his Cri-iiib!!" and hearing his little footstep racing back to his room.
Matthew can relate. For the most part, the girls include him & they play really well together. But there are times when he sees the girls play together & sleep in the same room, that makes him a little sad & maybe wish for a buddy all his own. Don't think I havent tried coaxing Bill to try for another baby...I have, but he's not giving in...and honestly I think my body has given up in that department anyway. So I talked with Bill about how important it is that Matthew has a strong relationship with his daddy. I want my son to follow after his daddy's example...to some day be a godly man who protects & guards his family, loves & cherishes his wife & willing to sacrafice for the sake of his kids.
So Bill came up with this camping idea...and boy was Matthew excited! They had treats, read books and played in the tent...and in the morning, even had a little chance to snuggle. So while I do not think Matthew will have a brother...his daddy will always be his best buddy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

This Smile Makes My Heart Melt

My little man...Oh how I love him so!