Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Opening Day THIS Sunday at CPG!

I can't believe the Gym is almost complete! Last pieces of equipment will arrive tomorrow and final inspections will be done as well. Open Houses begin Sunday, September 6th and run all week! Classes begin September 14th! Here are a few more pictures. It's better than I ever thought it would be!

Monday, August 3, 2015

CPG Building Photos

It's Crunch Time!

A lot happening at CPG! Our team has grown to 40 girls! We continue to train at West Chester University and all the girls are doing well. They are bonding well as a team and our coaches are doing a fantastic job! At the building we have walls and windows in the lobby. Next the drop ceiling, tile, carpet and fixtures. Equipment from Mancino is being delivered August 18th. Plans for the Platforms are being drawn up. We are hoping to have all things open and running the last week in August. Open Houses the first weeks in September. The Upper Chichester Community day is set for September 6th with gym tours and sign ups. We have over 100 recreational students signed up and over 150 cheerleaders signed up to tumble! Wow! I am amazed at all that God has done! Here are a few photos. It's really coming together everyone!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Roth's CrossPoint Gymnastics

Our new baby. Our vision. Our Dream. This beautiful 20,000 square foot building is the new home of Roth's CrossPoint Gymnastics! This will be a place where kids of all ages will learn gymnastics....of course. They will have fun flipping and jumping, laughing & making friends. Working hard together.
It will also be a place where kids are encouraged and challenged to reach goals that they never thought they would reach.
It will be a place where kids do well in gymnastics...and live well in life.
It will be a place where older kids are mentors to the younger ones. They will be encouraged to set good examples...and the young ones will look up to them and learn from them.
It will be a place where coaches excel and learn. Where they learn to care for kids using the gifts they have been given. Gifts to teach, gifts to be patient, gifts to show compassion...and gifts to teach excellent gymnastics.
It will be safe. It will be bright. It will be a safe haven. A second home for some. A first home for the Roth family.
The name you ask? It must be Roth's. John Roth, Bill's dad coached him until Bill went off to college. He had a tremendous impact not only on his son, but on many other boys & girls in the 30 years of gymnastics coaching. Bill also has a Pommel Horse skill named after him. He was the first man to score a perfect '10' in Men's National Championship history as well as a 5 time National Champion.
CrossPoint...Separately, they are gymnastics terms. The Iron Cross on Rings...which ironically was always the greatest obstacle for Bill with his long arms. And Point...you must always point those toes!
But mostly, CrossPoint speaks of our faith. A journey through gymnastics highs & lows, which ultimately pointed us to the fact that we are not in control in this life. And that we believe that the way we live our life...in and out of the gym, will point people to the hope, grace & mercy that we have found. Many times we will fail. Many times we will be poor examples, but it is our mission. And we know that even through failures, weaknesses and fears...there are lessons to learn and ways to grow. We pray many will come and grow with us. "Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS and DO IT!".