Monday, September 29, 2008

10 Things That Bring Me Joy

We had a really nice time in AC on Saturday for our anniversary...a big thanks to Poppy for staying with the kids overnight. We stayed in the room and watched 3 movies (yes, 3) and ordered room service. The best part was my Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and some good conversation with my honey. I was thinking on the drive home on Sunday of how much I missed the kids and couldn't wait to see them. I thought about how much they bring joy into our lives so this post is my Top Ten List of things that bring me joy.
10. Finding the perfect pair of shoes and not paying more than $10
9. Wrestling with Bill and the kids or playing baseball in the backyard
8. Tickling the kids and hearing them laugh
7. Watching Bill cuddle & kiss the kids
6. Shopping for and decorating our home
5. Family meals (when the kids are behaving) and having the kids give me, "two thumbs up, two high-fives, and a wink" for cooking the meal.
4. Laughing at Bill tell a funny story and having him act it out.
3. Laughing with friends and family
2. Hearing God speak specifically to me & my circumstances by reading His Word..."That verse was for me today!"
1. Praising God in Worship on Sunday morning and knowing He is always with matter what is going on in my life.
How could buying shoes and praising God be in the same list? Well obviously the joy from getting shoes is temporary and really cannot compare to worshipping God...that is what I was created for in the first place!

"The joy of the Lord is my strength" Neh8-10


kelli cohee said...

happy anniversary bill & christina!
i love this post... it really made me think about what brings me joy too.
and by the way, just got a pair of shoes for $10 at marshalls, so i know what you mean :)

Christina said...

Thanks Kelli...I am encouraged by your comment! I haven't shopped at Marshalls in a while...guess I better check it out!!!

Anonymous said...

Honey, great post. It made me smile at the top 10. You are truly an amazing women. I love you. God has been good to me.

Marshalls, ha. As long as it's cheap, we're there!