Friday, May 2, 2008

It's All Over!

Well it was exciting to see the Sixers make the playoffs when it seemed impossible mid-season. They did well considering they are such a young team...but I'm sorry to all of you who whole-heartedly are sad to see the season end...I cannot share the same feelings cause...I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK! Yay!! No more early morning TV hits or late nights out at the game or practice.

As I type this though I am inclined to mention what a blessing Bill's job is to us. The fact that I can stay home with the kids...the fact that we can support 3 growing kids, have a nice home, 2 cars, and be able to eat out & see a movie every now & a blessing. The fact that Bill loves what he does and is able to do a job which uses his many a blessing. Funny how it's always easier to see it that way when It's all over.

POTTY TRAINING UPDATE #2 It is all over as well...Diaper season is over...and can I get a big YES & AMEN!!! Matthew now tells me when he has to go & runs to the potty & does it all by himself! No accidents yesterday & I cannot explain the delight in my heart! Yes, delight. Any mom who struggled through potty training knows what I mean. I am blessed by how easy it was & thankful that the Lord heard my prayers...Yes He even answers potty training prayers!! Here's a shot of my son...the BIG BOY! Have a great weekend!!

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