Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Brandywine Zoo

We had a terrific weekend...the weather was beautiful and we had a blast. Friday we went to the Brandywine zoo in Delaware. It was so much fun. The zoo is really small but perfect for our kids and they had a great playground nearby that had all new stuff. Here are some shots...

On Saturday we went to the pool and had a picnic at the Rodgers home that evening.(We always LOVE the chance to get together with Andy & Paula & their kids). Sunday was church and more time at the pool. Madison did flips off the diving board & Adrienne practiced her swimming under water. Yesterday we spent more time at the pool with the Kelly family and then came back to our home for a BBQ & a game of whiffle ball. It was very busy but a blast having Bill home all weekend. Today it's rainy...a perfect day to finish up schoolwork & do wash....hmmm....weekends go way too fast...even the long ones!

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