Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Science in Nature

I try to make every day an opportunity to teach the kids, and I've learned that I can make our own backyard into a science class. Mama bird decided that our new front porch is a perfect place for a nest and has been sitting on her 2 eggs for 3 days straight...only leaving when my loud & active son forgets to be quiet & walk slowly on the front porch. We are all rooting for her & those little eggs and can't wait till they hatch. The other day Adrienne was thrilled to have found this beautiful green caterpillar (sorry the focus stinks) in their favorite tree. This led into a great conversation about the life cycle of a butterfly. We are all enjoying spring and are grateful for all the wonder God created in nature!

And a Happy Anniversary to my mom & dad! We love you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chrissy,
Going out to dinner tonight.
I loved the pics especially when it concern nature.
Take care of those baby birds. Mom