Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Reasons Why I Hate the Telephone

Let me just start by saying I am sorry to all my husband, my friends & family I should have called but didn't. You see...I have issues. Issues with the telephone. I can email you, facebook or text you...all those are just fine. But the phone...I hate it. So please accept my apology...
I do love you...I mean it!

1. Running to grab the phone & by the time I pick it up, the answering machine is now talking in both of our ears.

2. The horrible sound it makes...especially when you are dog tired and are almost falling asleep on the couch.

3. Is it bad news? Someone calling to yell at me? My heart beats a little faster when that phone rings!

4. What if you have no idea who it is...even after they tell you their name & still have no clue.

5. I am convinced as I am on the telephone in an important conversation, the radio waves travel to my children's brains and cause them to fight, argue, yell, scream and immediately run to me for help...putting an end to my important conversation.

6. Who says goodbye first? Was I rude? Did they want to talk longer? Why did I say that? What did that mean?

7. My brain goes into 'safe mode'. I cannot remember even the simplest vocabulary words or express the thoughts in a clear & intelligent way..."Well...you know what I mean, right?"

8. Call Waiting still confuses me :) I often hang up on one or both of the callers.

9. I can't sit still when I am on the phone...I pace, wander, doodle, fold things.
(I did just learn how to empty the dishwasher while I am on the phone...this is a big step for this wannabe multi-tasker :)

10. The phone doesn't let me talk with my hands...like the true Italian I am.


Anonymous said...

honey i tried to call you and tell you that this was a great blog, but you didn't pick it up. ha ha no seriously i didn't.

Christina said...

hahahaha....so silly you are :)