Thursday, December 3, 2009

The BEST Bible for Kids

Every morning since September I have read the Jesus Storybook Bible to the kids while they happily slurp down their cereal. It is a great book. The pictures are so colorful and each bible story always ties into the gospel. We finished the final story yesterday. It was from the book of Revelation where the apostle John, while in prison, receives a vision from the Lord. It tells of a new heaven and a new more more suffering. The last page paraphrased John 1:12-13.
"For anyone who says yes to Jesus
For anyone who believes what Jesus said
For anyone who will just reach out to take it
Then God will give them this wonderful gift:
To be born into A whole new life
To be who they really are
Who God always made them to be-
Their own true selves-
God's dear child.
Because you see, the most wonderful thing about this story is- it's your story too!"

Adrienne shouted "Read it again!"...and they all clapped and did I.
(Here's the link to the book on


Anonymous said...

Honey, thanks for your diligence and constant care for the children and the teaching you give to them.

Christina said...

I am blessed to have the opportunity to do this...(Now if I could always have that perspective...when the mornings don't go as yesterdays went!)