I wrote this with some help of the Pastors at our church for the church's blog...
I remember it still so clearly...the feeling of it all. The feeling I got when I was working on the balance beam as a member of Temple University’s gymnastics team. It was a terrible feeling of dread down deep in the pit of my stomach. I was scared - scared that I would fall, scared that I would embarrass myself and let my coach and teammates down. With my hair in a perfect bun on my head, chalk on my hands and everything ready to go, my mind raced with a continuous string of thoughts: “Stay tight, point your toes, be confident, you can do this, focus, smile at the mean judge that always gives you low scores and DON’T FALL!” From the time I was 7 until my senior year in college I performed gymnastics. Every move counted. One small step in the wrong place could lose the meet.
It has been a long time since I competed in the sport, but the idea that I’m ‘performing’ can easily characterize my life. Only now I’m performing for God. This has at times left me feeling condemned and also seeking approval from others, similar to the way I sought to please the judges and my gymnastics coaches. So often I can live with a balance beam perspective – all by myself, trying to do the impossible (but look graceful in the process), worried about the slightest bobble, hoping that I don’t lose my balance and splat for all the world to see. You may never have done the balance beam, but maybe you’ve got your own spiritual gymnastics competition going on in your heart.
Since hearing Jared’s recent message on justification from Galatians, it became clear to me. Jared said that every day we can be tempted to relate to God based on our performance. Then he gave us the definition of justification.
“Justification is an act of God’s free grace wherein He pardons all our sins and accepts us as righteous in His sight.”
Because of my Savior and His shed blood, I am righteous in God’s eyes! He doesn’t judge me for the wrong steps, the falls, the bent knees and un-pointed toes. By His grace He not only has accepted me – he has promised to be my strength in the balance beam routines of my life – whether that’s balancing being a mom and a wife or balancing the ‘to do’ list and being led by the Spirit.
Wow! That is amazing! I have already received a perfect 10 because my Savior allowed himself to be placed on the beam of crucifixion as my Redeemer and perfect sacrifice. I am justified freely by grace! I never have to get up on that balance beam and perform with toes pointed ever again!!
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