Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The New Van

After much waiting...it finally arrived! YIPPEE!!

We turned our old van in (the lease was up). For the past 3 weeks I have been driving the kids around in Bill's Chevy Blazer. It hasn't been very fun because the kids were right on top of each other. It's kind of hard to break up fights while driving...and screaming at the top of my lungs didn't help much. At one point Madison said, "Pleeeaase don't put me in the middle anymore!"...I felt her pain. So here's a picture of my new "mommy sports car" and the kiddies.

POTTY TRAINING UPDATE #1: Matthew is doing very well...only a few accidents yesterday & he even did poopy on the potty!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Potty Training

Happy Monday everyone!

Yes...it is that time again. I cannot hold it off any longer. I have been waiting to potty train Matthew for many reasons...1. After seeking much advice about this topic, many moms told me of their success with their sons because they waited till they were closer to 3. 2. It's always easier to potty train in warmer weather (fewer clothes to remove & put back on)...and 3. I really didn't want to do it!!!

Well yesterday Matthew decided all by himself to go to the upstairs bathroom, remove his pants & diaper, and pee on the big potty. So now we begin! My mom reminded me in a conversation the other day that if all goes well, this will be the first time in almost 7 years that I won't have diapers in the house! WOOHOOO!!

I can't help but still cringe at all the mistakes I made, especially with Madison. I started at 2 & she was not successful until she was 3 1/2!! Oh I can clearly remember the tears, the messes and all the stress. Adrienne was easier for many reasons...so I can only hope the third will follow suit!

So today it is raining out and cold. I am stocked with Skittles & Starbursts, plenty of pairs of underpants, (thanks to Gege), and praying all the way for patience & grace to help my son accomplish this grand task. We'll keep you posted on the progress of our BIG BOY!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Point Your Toes

I wrote this with some help of the Pastors at our church for the church's blog...

I remember it still so clearly...the feeling of it all. The feeling I got when I was working on the balance beam as a member of Temple University’s gymnastics team. It was a terrible feeling of dread down deep in the pit of my stomach. I was scared - scared that I would fall, scared that I would embarrass myself and let my coach and teammates down. With my hair in a perfect bun on my head, chalk on my hands and everything ready to go, my mind raced with a continuous string of thoughts: “Stay tight, point your toes, be confident, you can do this, focus, smile at the mean judge that always gives you low scores and DON’T FALL!” From the time I was 7 until my senior year in college I performed gymnastics. Every move counted. One small step in the wrong place could lose the meet.
It has been a long time since I competed in the sport, but the idea that I’m ‘performing’ can easily characterize my life. Only now I’m performing for God. This has at times left me feeling condemned and also seeking approval from others, similar to the way I sought to please the judges and my gymnastics coaches. So often I can live with a balance beam perspective – all by myself, trying to do the impossible (but look graceful in the process), worried about the slightest bobble, hoping that I don’t lose my balance and splat for all the world to see. You may never have done the balance beam, but maybe you’ve got your own spiritual gymnastics competition going on in your heart.
Since hearing Jared’s recent message on justification from Galatians, it became clear to me. Jared said that every day we can be tempted to relate to God based on our performance. Then he gave us the definition of justification.
“Justification is an act of God’s free grace wherein He pardons all our sins and accepts us as righteous in His sight.”
Because of my Savior and His shed blood, I am righteous in God’s eyes! He doesn’t judge me for the wrong steps, the falls, the bent knees and un-pointed toes. By His grace He not only has accepted me – he has promised to be my strength in the balance beam routines of my life – whether that’s balancing being a mom and a wife or balancing the ‘to do’ list and being led by the Spirit.
Wow! That is amazing! I have already received a perfect 10 because my Savior allowed himself to be placed on the beam of crucifixion as my Redeemer and perfect sacrifice. I am justified freely by grace! I never have to get up on that balance beam and perform with toes pointed ever again!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Playoffs Begin With a Win!?

It was exciting to watch the Sixers beat the Pistons last night in our living room. The kids were chanting "Go Sixers!" and Bill & I were high-fiving each other. As you know the Sixers are the underdogs so for them to win game 1 in Detroit last night was huge. It is bitter sweet for me...on one hand I want our team to win...on the other, the better they do, the longer the season is...ugh! Game 3 is in Philly on Friday...check it out!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Cup

I started reading a new book. Well it's not really new...I've read it once before & I remember really enjoying it so I thought I would read it again. It is called., "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" by Angela Thomas Guffey.

This morning as I was reading, she was talking about how one morning she was really organized. By 9am she was dressed, finished preparing sauce for dinner, had all the wash completed, and all the kids ready for preschool. She was quite proud of herself & shared her accomplishments to her husband. His response, "That's great", then gave her a kiss and left for work. She was discouraged that she did not receive the response from him that she wanted.

A friend soon called, and after many tears, he told her to go get a cup & fill it up with water. She did this as he explained...

"You are the cup, Jesus is the water".

"Is anything else in the cup?"


"Now fill the cup all the way so that it overflows...What is the water doing?"

"Spilling all over everything".

Then she said to her friend as she realized the point to his illustration,

"Only Jesus can fill me completely, and when I am full of Jesus, I am overflowing, spilling onto everyone around me".

Yes...I get it. So often I expect others to fulfill me with praise, encouragement, kind words...and many times feel let down when I don't receive them...the way I expect it. When I am hurt or upset by someone's comments to me or lack of them, I realize it is not about them & what they are doing or not doing. It is about me expecting them to fill my cup. Lord, only you can fill me to overflowing! Not mere praise from men...not the latest spring outfit or cute shoes and certainly not a 2-car garage and master bathroom!

"And to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Ephesians 3:19

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Warm Weather

Here's a quick shot of the kids from yesterday. The weather was so nice that the kids were outside all day...YEAH!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Old Family Photos

Happy Monday everyone!

My uncle Chuck sent this picture to me this morning so I thought it would be fun to share. In the photo is my Auntie Jan (my dad's sister), my grandma, my mom holding my sister Deanne, my dad, and my Papa behind them. I can't help but think my mom looks a little like someone I know?!?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My brother

Many of you know my brother Jonathan is a Captain in the Army. We are all very proud of him & his accomplishments. He is a Physician Assistant and currently in an Emergency Room residency for PA's in the state of Washington. We are very happy he is in the states after spending time in Iraq & Afghanistan.

If you remember at the start of this war, paratroopers jumped in to secure the northern part of Iraq since Turkey was not letting us in through their country. I will always remember watching the news and hearing them announce that the troops have landed. It was exciting but scary to think of what my brother would be experiencing.

Well, Jonathan sent an email yesterday that I thought you should see. The picture came with these words from Jonathan:

"the story behind the pic is we were sick of eatingMREs for three months in Iraq, so myself (on the left)and Rahman (right, Turkish SF) went in search of otherfood sources...."
Ok, so I really am an animal-lover & feel badly for this poor squirrel...but I could not stop laughing at this. At first glance I really thought this was a giant Iraqi rodent! Too funny...thanks Jon!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Waiting...and Trusting

Well we received a bid on Monday from a builder to do our addition...and YIKES! It was alot higher than we expected. $40,000 over what we can actually afford. So we are waiting on another bid Thursday. All of this can cause Bill & I to stress out. We do believe the Lord has opened doors for us to add onto our home. We really could use the space...a garage would be nice, and an extra bathroom. How will it all work out? We don't know. Should we scrap the plans for a porch and shrink the size of the garage? Do we scrap the new heating unit & use the current one? All these questions can bring anxiety, doubt, and fear.

God's Word says, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:4-7)

So what does that mean for us? I think the Lord is saying first we need to be thankful for what God has so richly blessed us with in our home, and Rejoice in the Lord & all His faithfulness to our family. And second, we need to pray & ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance. By humbling ourselves & praying, we can place our trust not in our money, not even in our home, but in God who will give us peace to guard our hearts and minds.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Acts of Benevolence

benevolence: n.1.An inclination to do good; kindliness; good will. 2. A kindly act.
Bill sent me this video clip (below) of Hip Hop and his community outreach...(see if you can guess who the little kids are watering the garden). When I saw the title of the video I realized I did not know what benevolence was...so I thought I would include the definition above...for all of you fellow simple-minded blondes.
I thought about how I am always telling the kids to be kind to each other & unfortunately on Saturday morning, nobody in our home was being kind...including mommy. It was a rough morning to say the least. Bill left for a game & the kids were crazy to get out of the house...as was I.
We traveled to Atlantic City to go swimming in the pool at Harrah's. Needless to say it was exactly what we all needed. The kids had a blast with Nana & Poppy (Bill's parents) and they even made an appointment for me to have a swedish massage at the Red Door Spa. This was amazing! I wore a cozy white robe, sipped juice, read a magazine and took a shower after the massage...all by myself...with no interuptions!! I was humbled as I thought how I did not deserve this kindness after I spent the morning angry and harsh with the kids. I realized that this is what grace is...getting something wonderful when I really deserved nothing good at all. I was restored and relaxed...all because of the kindness of my mother & father-in-law. So thank you Nana & Poppy...for your act of benevolence to me & the kids. Enjoy the video! (You may have to click the play button a couple times)

Friday, April 4, 2008


If you haven't heard, the state of California is trying to make homeschooling illegal due to child abuse in one family in California. This is absurd when you think about. Parents not allowed to teach their children? Ok lawmakers in California...step back a little bit and look at what you are saying!

The number of homeschoolers in the country is growing fast as the benefits of homeschooling are beginning to be recognized not just by conservative religious groups but also in secular society. The fact is that many homeschoolers are self-motivated & independant learners and because of this are being recruited by many top universities today. Homeschoolers have placed in the top 5 in the National Spelling Bee & Geography Bee for many years.

Our decision to homeschool came even before we had kids. We spent alot of time with our good friends the DeCarlos and were able to observe the fruit in their children. Fruit like strong character, considering others, honoring their parents, joy & a sense of confidence from a strong family unit, and the ability to relate with other adults and children. We also are members of a church with a large portion of families who homeschool. The church provides an enrichment program called COMPASS where my children have the opportunity to be in a class with 20 other children their age. They are also able to perform in the anual Christmas Play, Bible quiz team and eventually graduation (if we choose to continue that long). Pennsylvania is a good state for homeschooling as well because of its strict rules & accountability.

I have really enjoyed Kindergarten & 1st grade with Madison. We have read lots of wonderful books, learned about missionaries & heroes of the Christian faith as well as the Greek gods and what Muslims and Hindus believe. I want my kids to have an understanding of what others believe so they will be equipped to share their own faith as they get older.

I am amazed at all that I am learning about history (my worst subject). I've learned about Athens, Sparta, Rome, Persia, and about the Great Wall of China & why it was built in the first place.

Don't get me wrong...it's not always fun & productive. Some days I think...oh wouldn't it be nice to send them off on the bus that just drove by our house...I could get so much done at home! But then I am reminded of Madison telling a neighboor "did you know that our hair is actually dead skin cells?" Or the time both of us were in tears after reading a wonderful book about a dog. I am reminded that this time with my kids will be over in a blink, so I better dive in to their lives as much as I can now, and homeschooling provides me with the ability to do just that.
In case you were wondering...we use a Christian, literature-based curriculum called Sonlight. It uses alot of biographies & stories instead of textbooks. For example instead of learning dates & facts about World War 2,(which if you are like me, you've forgotten them as soon as the test is over), we read a story called Twenty & Ten where a Catholic nun took in 10 Jewish children to hide them from the Nazis. It is a great book & Madison actually enjoyed it. Here is the link to Sonlight's website if you wanted to check it out. I'm off to do some Math with Madison...happy Friday!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Me & The Girls

I wanted to introduce you to 3 of my very special friends...Tracy (see My Testimony), Paula, and Barbara. These ladies & I get together once a month for fellowship, encouragement & accountability. We call it our Growth Group & I must say it has been not only a means of grace for me, but God has used each of these ladies to spur me on in my Christian walk. Many times I have been encouraged by them in the struggles of every day life, in my parenting and relating to Bill. A few times I have been corrected & questioned in gentle ways that help me to see my sin or my wrong thinking that sometimes blinds me. These times have been especially sweet because I have been helped & restored & changed by God through them.

So, thank you Tracy, for your passionate love for the Savior...it is contagious...and thank you Paula for your honesty & transparency which is always refreshing & your boldness to speak truth in love...and thank you Barb for your humility and your example of dependence on God for all things... You know I love you ladies...thank you for running the race alongside me!