Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's REAL...not a Fairytale

I have heard it said of the story of Christ & Christianity..."it's not real, just a story, a fairytale."
"It's just a tradition, something we do on Sundays. "
"It's a crutch for the weak people of this world."
"An excuse for the dumb people who aren't smart enough to know better. "
Watch this video and see how God is very real. How he has changed lives. How He has changed people lost and alone and given them life.
The cardboard says it all...what would your piece of cardboard say?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Snow Pictures

Ok, is it just me, or is this guy too cute in his snow gear?
It took the kids 10 minutes just to get to the swingset!
Ice swords to defeat the evil Ice Queen...ME!
The view from our house during the snowstorm.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day ...and Toes

Valentines Day yesterday started off with me waking the kids up so they could go on a little scavenger hunt around the house to find their little treats. Then Bill shared with us something he wrote; "Why I love my family". He had me in tears, smearing my make-up, the girls were beaming & Matthew...well he was just waiting to eat another chocolate. We went to church and then to Bertuccis for an amazing lunch. The day ended with a Mario Party game that we all enjoyed. Here's a shot of the kids in their new jammies and holding onto their latest favorite stuffed animals. Thanks Gege & Papa for the wonderful package.

Today school started back up & frankly, Madison & I are getting a little bored & ready to be done. So I thought I would have a little fun on her toes while she wrote her spelling words for the day. She said it looked like John & Kate + 8...I didn't have the heart to tell her there was no more John & Kate. We laughed at her cute toes & wondered what her coaches will think at gymnastics tonight!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Marshmallows, Playdoh, and Airplanes

What to do when stuck inside in winter...(I really mean...art class at The Roth Academy)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day(s)

We are on our 2nd snow storm in one week...it makes me feel like I am back home on Grand Island already! The first storm this month brought us about 2 feet and last night we got an additional 8 inches, followed by sleet this morning and now more snow. We are supposed to get another 18-24 inches by tonight. It is really coming down. The good thing about today is Bill is home from work and the kids are loving it. It's 11am and they already played Wii for an hour and a half, ate a nice breakfast and played together in Matthew's room for an hour...and me...I'm still in my PJ's...YES!!! I love days like this. We will still do school...unfortunately for homeschoolers...there are no snow days. I'm trying to plug through on days like this so we can finish school by the first week in June. So I'm off to do some math with Madison. Enjoy the pics from this past weekend.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Philadelphia Museum of Natural Science

My father-in-law had a geat idea of taking the kids to the Philadelphia Museum of Natural Science on Wednesday. So we all worked hard to get school finished in the morning, grabbed lunch at McDonalds and headed into the city. It was a great day! There was no one there...we practically had the whole 3 story building to ourselves (one of the perks to homeschooling...everyone was in school!). We saw dinosaurs, went on a dig for dinosaur bones, pet a hissing cockroach, a rabbit, and a millipede, saw the cutest Screach Owl named Albert,and learned about George Washington Carver. The museum was fantastic. Enjoy the pictures. Thanks Nana & Poppy for a great day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Museum Of Natural History

I found out through a homeschool friend of mine that the Delaware Museum of Natural History was having an open house last weekend. A perfect place for a field trip...plus you can't beat going to a museum for free...woohoo! Here are some fun shots of the day. We learned about shells, eggs, giant crocodiles, dinosaurs, and some guy named Darwin. It was a great day.