Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for checkin in from time to time on my little blog. I have loved the comments, feedback and encouragement you have given. I have also enjoyed posting pictures & keeping a record of all the goings-on in our family. We will be going to church Christmas Eve and then for a little drive to look at Christmas lights & maybe even a pit-stop at Dunkin Donuts in our jammies (a tradition started last year). Christmas morning we will be enjoying cinnamon buns & hot chocolate, opening presents, and then we'll be packing up & heading to my parents home on Grand Island (near Niagara Falls). We are really looking forward to spending time with my family. They have had alot of snow lately so we'll be packing alot of sweaters!
So the 5 of us at the Happy Roth home wish you a very merry Christmas...filled with lots and lots of sweet memories and joy inexpressible!

Friday, December 19, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

...is my 2 front teeth, my 2 front teeth, my 2 front teeth! Madison has lost 5 teeth so far, one of her front teeth just this morning at breakfast and more coming out soon! Bill noticed the tooth was turned sideways & said, "mommy pull that thing out." I pulled out 2/5 and Madison did the other 3 on her own. Our little girl is growing up!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Challenge

My challenge to you..."Don't just settle for how you thought about Christmas before." Here's a great video about Christmas...check it out after pushing pause on my green playlist player. I'm off to start math with Madison...borrowing...what fun!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Christmas Guy

As we were watching TV the other day Santa appeared on a commercial and Matthew says, "Look mom, the Christmas guy!" I'm not sure if it is a good or bad thing that my son did not know Santa at first glance...at least he knew he had to do something with Christmas. Me & the kids have enjoyed watching all the classic Christmas shows and even some new ones like The Meiser's Christmas that was on this past Saturday night with every one's favorite heat and snow meisers. It wouldn't feel like Christmas without those shows being on every night! I do however feel I need to balance the onslaught of meaningless Christmas fluff with the real meaning of Christmas for my children. Christmas Fluff says Christmas is about giving, about peace, about Santa, about gifts & cookies & trees & reindeer. Though those things are all nice, Christmas is about the gift of God's own Son, sent to this Earth as a helpless baby, yet fully God, sinless & perfect. Sent for one reason...to die for sinners like me...so that we can be free! What a reason to rejoice this Christmas! We are reading through the Christmas story in the gospel of Luke for Madison's school. It has been really good to be reminded of why we are so busy shopping, decorating & baking. Listen to what Mary says after she realizes she is going to give birth to the Savior of the world, her personal Savior.
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation." (Luke 1:46-50)
There is no Christmas fluff in there...only gospel truth...truth that permeates the heart & soul and changes us forever.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Christmas Tree

Last Week we went to Linvilla Orchards to cut down our tree. I wanted a big fat tree to fill up the room with the big bay window...and that's what we got. The tree looked a lot smaller out in the field with the other trees but when we got it into the house we realized that bigger is not always better. It looks like a big bush has taken over the room. We barely had enough ornaments to fill it & it still looks a bit bare. That's ok because we created some great memories cutting it down. They took us on a hay ride into the field and the kids loved it. They ran from tree to tree..."how bout this one!?" Bill cut it down & we all cheered. We brought it home and had some hot cocoa and decorated it. I had to rearrange some...one branch just Matthew's height on the bottom had 10 ornaments on it. So now that the tree is up and almost all the gifts bought (you gotta love free shipping on Amazon.com) we are ready!! Now we (ok I) have to wrap the gifts, make the cookies, and send the Christmas cards out. I am actually enjoying all the Christmas preparation. I especially love buying gifts and creating our Christmas cards...now that the kids are a little older & I have no diapers to change...it's actually fun now! Enjoy the pictures & I hope you like my songs...maybe I can figure out how to put some Christmas songs up!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Play

Madison and Adrienne performed in the COMPASS Christmas Play Saturday night. COMPASS is the Co-Op they attend for homeschooled kids at our church. Every Thursday they are in a classroom setting for 2 hours with about 20 other homeschooled kids their age. We are so grateful that they have this opportunity to enjoy participating in something like this. Adrienne represented the stars in the sky and danced to the Wise Guys song. Madison was a Cute Camel and danced to the song "Rejoice". The play was about the journey of the 3 wise men to find the child King laying in a manger. It was really cute. Here are 2 videos of each of the girls, Madison is all the way on the right & Adrienne is 4th or 5th from the left...I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!!!
***Don't forget to pause my Playlist music before you play the videos!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Major Monti

Congrats to my brother Jonathan for his promotion to Major in the US Army. Does this mean even we have to salute you little brother? We are very proud of him for how he serves our country. He also authored his first case study in the JAAPA (Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants). Here is a picture of the article. If you want to read more click Here. Way to go Major! Can't wait to see you this Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Like Father Like Son

I just had to share these pictures of Hip-Hop holding Matthew during the start of a Sixers game a few weeks ago. Matthew ran out onto the court to give Hip-Hop a hug. Hip-Hop acted quite surprised and then carried Matthew who gave high-fives to a few players and then balanced Matthew on his hand for a good 10 seconds. He made his momma proud, hamming it up just like his daddy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordyn Leigh!

My niece Jordyn turns 11 today so I wanted to wish her a happy birthday! Jordyn is loved by all who know her. She is patient, compassionate and kind. She is especially patient when playing with her younger cousins, (see below picture), and we are grateful for the example she is to them. Madison, Adrienne & Matthew love her very much ...especially Madison. Those 2 bonded from the start and Madison still considers Jordyn her very best friend. Madison is often saying she just wishes Jordyn could live closer & we agree! We love you Jordyn! Have a special day!!

Thanksgiving was lots of fun...unfortunately I realized how difficult it is to be a host & take pictures! So here are the 3 lone Thanksgiving pictures. The table, the kids and Sarah looking for something good on TV. I did not burn the turkey & it did not explode like in my dad's favorite movie...you know the one..."Grace! She died 30 years ago!" Have a good weekend everyone...I'm off to decorate the house for Christmas & it's not even December yet!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weekend Fun

Hi all...sorry I haven't been posting regularly but things are pretty busy. I'm having the Roth families over for Thanksgiving so I'm trying to get the house & food ready. The 20lb turkey is in the fridge defrosting (don't forget to defrost yours!) and I'm finding it difficult to clean when I have 3 playful kids attempting to thwart all my good intentions. Here are some pictures of our weekend. Madison & Hip-Hop rode on the back of a truck giving away Sixers hats & backpacks in the Brookhaven parade while Poppy drove the Hare-a-Van with Nana, me & the kids waving to all the on-lookers. It was fun to see all our neighbors, (and elmo). On Sunday Bill had a game so we went to see The Nutcracker with my friend Susan and her daughter Rhyan. The kids enjoyed it, even Matthew. When the mouse king came out Matthew said loudly, "Mommy is that the Nutquacker?" I'm hoping to post some Thanksgiving pictures on Friday...so have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Serving Others

I am really blessed by the opportunities Bill's job allows for our family. Last night the Sixers served Thanksgiving dinner to needy families in Philadelphia. Hip-Hop helped out as well as the staff & players so Bill thought this would be a great opportunity for the girls to serve others and maybe help them be more grateful for what they have. (A great lesson for all of us!) They helped give out napkins, pie, sang some songs,greeted people at the door, and shared what they were thankful for on the microphone. With Hip-Hop standing by, Adrienne got on the mic to tell everyone that she was thankful for her daddy, Hip-Hop! OOOOPS! Pretty funny seeing as Hip-Hop has tried very hard to keep his identity under wraps!

I was sorry to miss it but Matthew was a bit sore and cranky yesterday so I stayed home with him. He has improved...Motrin really works wonders! Have a good weekend. We'll be busy with the Brookhaven parade on Saturday and going to see the Nutcracker on stage Sunday...Fun, Fun, Fun!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Matthew's Surgery #2

Matthew's surgery was yesterday at 1:30 and completed at 2:15. He did very well. He did not once complain he was hungry and was the happiest little guy there. We arrived at duPont at 10am so the wait was a bit long. Since it is a children's hospital they have wagons to transport the kids...here is Matthew at the start of our day. The play area helped pass the time and so did the "giggle juice" and the TV. Here are some shots of our long day
Matthew enjoying the waiting room & daddy getting him ready

Watching TV & being silly after taking "giggle juice"

Even Bubba had his own ID tag! Thanks to everyone for the prayers, emails and calls... and a special thanks goes to Rachel for watching the girls...they had a great time baking cookies and playing dress-up!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun With Daddy

I love this shot of Bill & my son. Matthew LOVES riding on the mower with his daddy. Bill enjoys it too...it reminds him of the many tractor rides he enjoyed with his dad. Please pray for Matthew as he will have his hernia repair tomorrow at DuPont hospital in Delaware. We will keep you posted on his recovery. Have a good week!

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Always Something

Well at least we know for sure that Madison is allergic to shellfish! She had a piece of crab meat last night and this was what happened to her. It's called Angioedema. Her bottom lip swelled quite a bit and I quickly gave her some Benadryl. It helped but I was a little worried. This morning she was fine. We'll be visiting an allergist soon, as well as an Ortho guy for Madison's pronating feet. I want her to get XRays since she is so loose-jointed, I don't want her ankles getting worse as she grows. And now on to my son. He has an inguinal hernia (in the groin), most likely he was born with it. I had them on both sides but never had them repaired until I was in college...not a good idea. Matthew will have surgery on Tuesday so we'll keep you posted. This picture is of the kids playing with Ellos. I'm not sure if they make them anymore but they are alot of fun...especially for girls. If you have a daughter, granddaughter or niece ages 4-10, its a great gift idea. Have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In the Shadow of Your Wings

Last night was a big wake up call...the screaming call said, "The Sixers season has begun!" Bill had a game last night and I had a headache. The kids were fighting and I was angry...at them and at my circumstance. I left the kids in their rooms to get ready for bed and I went to lay down on the bed to close my eyes. This is when Psalm 63 popped into my head. I had no idea what it said so this usually means God is trying to tell me something. I opened my bible and read.

Verse 3 "Because your steadfast love is better than life."

Verse 6 & 7 " when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy."

This brought me great comfort & peace. As I pondered how good God is to me to speak to me through His Word, I realized Madison had been caring for the kids, helping them get ready for bed & was reading a book to Matthew & Adrienne. I was greatly encouraged & honored Madison, prayed & tucked them into bed.

I have heard many skeptics say things about the bible, "It's just another book written by men." Let me just say that time after time in the 12 years I have been reading the bible, God has comforted me, corrected me, given me wisdom in various circumastances and displayed His love for me. The bible is real, it has power, it is alive...and I believe it! If you've never read it, why not start? See if what I (and billions of other believers) say is true. Start in the book of John and maybe God will speak to you as well!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

He's Back!

Yes it's true...Hip-Hop is back on the scene walking, running and doing his usual silly antics. His new knee brace is custom-made red, white, and blue. You won't see him hopping, jumping or flipping just yet but maybe if the Sixers make playoffs you'll see him fly through the air once again. He has been busy strengthening the knee in rehab 3x a week for 2 hours and on top of that he has recruited some of the Sixers employees to run stairs with him on his lunch break. Go Hip-Hop Go! We love you and are praying for a complete recovery!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Perspective

Bill and I got the kids up early this morning and headed over to Tom Jones for the Blue Ribbon Special and then headed over to vote. Madison came in to the booth with me and even got to push the green VOTE button.
I have a feeling my candidate will not be the President-elect at the end of this day and I can be tempted to fear. I found this short interview on my favorite blog Girltalk, of one of my favorite authors & pastors John Piper. It is only 4 minutes long & a MUST WATCH on this election day. It really helped me to adjust my perspective on this election and I hope it helps you as well.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

Happy Monday everyone! On Friday Batman, a beautiful angel and an enchantress visited our home for a little trick and alot of treats! Gege & Papa sent a Halloween care package for the kids with alot of fun goodies...thanks mom & dad! Nana & Poppy visited as well and enjoyed all the fun...thanks Nana & Poppy for spending the evening with us! And yes with Halloween it means I am a year older. That means I am now closer to my forties than I am to my thirties...ouch!!! Enjoy the pics and don't forget to VOTE (and PRAY!)tomorrow.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The kids enjoyed carving pumpkins today. I tried to make it a little lesson about the Gospel. The pumpkins representing our hearts and all the gook inside is our sins. Jesus takes all the gook out to make our hearts clean when we repent & trust in Him as our Savior. Have a great weekend!
Come back next week for some pictures of Batman, the Angel, and the Enchantress. Happy Trick-or-Treating!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


We have waited and waited and it finally came out...the TinkerBell movie on DVD. About 3 years ago the girls were introduced to TinkerBell and all the Disney Fairies and fell in love with them. Rani was Madison's favorite, then Silvermist, but Adrienne has always been a true TinkerBell fan. At first there was talk about TinkerBell being on the big screen but that didn't happen, then there was a delay, and after waiting over a year we finally had the chance to buy it at KMart & watch it. The kids loved every minute...(ok the girls a little more than Matthew). We'll be watching it again tonight.

Oh...and I almost forgot...GO PHILLIES!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


This is what I love about homeschooling. At the breakfast table this morning I read the story of "The Ants and the Grasshopper" in the book, The Aesop for Children. You know the story. The grasshopper asks the ants for food since he has not stored up any for the winter and is hungry. The ants ask him why he hasn't any food to which the grasshopper replies, "I didn't have time to store up any food...I was so busy making music that before I knew it the summer was gone." Boy could I relate!!! Shortly after the story the kids asked if I could make them look like ants. 3 headbands, some paper, tape & voila! As I type the kids... or ants, are building their anthill in the TV room....(hopefully they won't begin seeking out sugary things).

Friday, October 24, 2008

Phone Call

I got a call today from the Obama campaign asking me who I am voting for. It was a good call because it helped me to state in my own words why I am voting for John McCain. I told the woman how I was torn. I really like Obama. I like that he is young and passionate. I like that he has a young family like me and holds family as important to him. He is intelligent and articulate and can energize people easily. This said however, I cannot in good conscience vote for someone so radical in his abortion views. As a Christian I believe all have a right to life, even the unborn, the unwanted, the unloved. Does this make me a one-issue voter, maybe I guess. The woman was not happy with my response and said that Obama was Pro-life as well, but supported choice. I told her you cannot be both, thanked her for the call and said good-bye. If you're feeling torn on this issue as well...here's a blog about faith & politics that had some interesting comments on it...check it out, but be warned, there is an abortion photo on the page that is hard to see. Also, here are 2 videos of the woman who survived an abortion. She has a powerful testimony to say the least!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


With the addition and moving all the kids around I have been painting alot lately. Now since the upstairs is done I'm realizing the downstairs could really use a fresh coat of paint, so I'll be painting the trim & doors downstairs this week. I wanted to share a song I love to hear. While painting Matthew's room last month I had this song blasting & I was praising God and painting never seemed so enjoyable before. Here's the song called Arise by Don Moen....enjoy!

Don Moen - Arise - Christian Music Video via Noolmusic.com

Friday, October 17, 2008

Apple Pickin'

On Wednesday we went to Linvilla Orchards to go apple picking and to get our pumpkins. We had a great time eating...I mean picking apples. We brought home too many apples, 4 little pumpkins and a bunch of mini pumpkins (I just love those) to decorate the house. We could not leave without bringing home an Apple caramel walnut pie...mmmm. It goes really well with caramel cheesecake ice cream!! Enjoy the pics & have a great weekend!

PS...Keep on the lookout for the Hip-Hop van! Bill's back doing appearances and feeling great. No one can believe he is able to do what he's doing. He has been running on the treadmill. I'll have to show an updated knee photo next week.