Ever since Kindergarten, Madison has had a fascination with India. She loves how the women dress & decorate themselves with beautiful jewelry and clothes. She often asks me to put jewel stickers on her forehead and wrap a pretty scarf on her head so she can pretend to be from India. Last year she came to me and asked if she could have a friend, a girl from India, whom she could write to. So I thought what a great idea Madison! We'll find you a pen pal. So I found this website called
Amazing Kids which links up children all over the world to be able to communicate. It took almost a year for them to find a little girl Madison's age from India but they finally found Ruhee. She'll be turning 7 in May and lives with her mom & dad in Ahmedabad, India. She writes beautifully in cursive and just sent Madison a couple pictures of herself, her family, beautiful sticker tattoos of peacock's (India's national bird) and Bindis (tiny jewelry to wear on the forehead). Madison was SO excited to receive these special gifts & to read Ruhee's letter. Here are some pictures of her sporting her new Indian gifts.
So cool! I am very impressed with Madison :) Maybe someday she will get to visit and will learn the language....it will surely be a good one to know in the future.
She asked if she could go to India. We learned that English is one of the main languages...pretty neat to learn about it all from a little 6.5 year old who writes her own poetry...(Ruhee)
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