After being a Christian for almost 13 years, I've heard many people comment about their own beliefs.
"I don't believe in organized religion", "The church is full of hypocrites", "As long as I am a good person & do good things", "I'm much better than that person, and HE even goes to church!".
I can relate to all of these statements, because I used to believe them as well. I also used to hear the phrase "the 2 reasons why someone isn't a Christian is 1. they don't know any Christians and 2. they do. I agree that many "Christians" do alot of preaching to others but their lives do not exhibit a life surrendered to Christ (myself included...just ask my family). I agree that we are all hypocrites...we have all said things and done other things...we have all condemned others for doing things we have done. You've heard the stories of priests and pastors sinning horribly against children, their wives and church members. Those stories do hinder the message of the gospel for sure. It does not prove that Christianity is useless...it only proves that we are all sinners in desperate need of a Savior!And it doesn't change who Christ is...He is unchanging.
I do though believe that a true Christian's life should look different from someone who is not a believer. Our lives should be a light in a dark world. The fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control) should be clearly visible in how we speak & live. After all...we are a new creation in Christ! We should desire to know more about God, by reading the bible & desiring to meet with others who know God, like a healthy local church. This desire and change does not come from our own doing, or by just trying to be a better person. It comes from God in us. We could always look like a good person by comparing ourselves with others. "I can't believe she did that!" or, "I would never act like that!"
What if we compared ourselves to God? What if we compared ourselves with Jesus...who walked this earth, loving those who hated him, was tempted but never sinned, never gossiped, never lied. What if He is our example & not the Christian that lives next door. "That's ridiculous Christina...we could never attain those standards!"
You're right! And that's why He died. So sinners like us can enter His gates with thanksgiving, and love God, because He first loved us. He is our example, so lets stop looking to the right & left of us and just look up AND let's live like forgiven, redeemed children of God!
If you are not a Christian but are curious to learn more, find a healthy local church. One that preaches from the bible...one that is alive. You know the ones. Also look for the Alpha Course & sign up. It's a great introduction to Christianity. It's good even if you grew up in a church, knew about the "Rules" of religion but never had a relationship with Christ. Or simply pick up that old bible, dust it off & start to read in John...and pray that God would show up and meet you. You will not regret it!
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