The homeschool curriculum I use is a literature based curriculum which means we do a lot of reading to the kids. One of the reasons I have continued homeschooling is Sonlight's amazing books. All of us LOVE the books!! Usually Bill reads to them before they go to sleep...or I do if Bill has a game. We have laughed, cried, and pretended to be characters from the books. We have learned about World War 2, Robin Hood, Queen Elizabeth and the days of chivalry, all from reading these great books! Reading to the kids has produced wonderful fruit as well...listening skills, vocabulary, creativity and speaking skills. So every month I am going to try to highlight the books we are reading. We just finished reading The School Story by Andrew Clements. It was a cute story about an 11 year old girl who writes a book & secretly tries to get her mom (a publisher) to publish it. With the help of her best friend and a teacher at school, Natalie writes a wonderful story that her mom publishes before finding out the author is her own daughter. Natalie dedicates her book to her dad who died when she was younger and we all ended up crying as Bill read the final page. A great story and it even encouraged Madison in her own writing. Parts were a little boring for Adrienne & Matthew but they still listened in for the most part. We have just started reading The Twenty-One Balloons. It's about a professor who hopes to fly in his giant air balloon only to crash on a strange island with even stranger inhabitants. Pretty good so far. I'll let you know how it ends.

And a Happy Birthday Shout-out to my brother-in-law John!
I'm starting to read about the civil war. See as old as I am, I'm still learning. When I was in school, I hated American History and now I love it. Love you...MOM
I feel the same way. I can appreciate it so much more now that I am older & in most cases am learning it for the first time! Love you too mom...be on the lookout for a package from me!
keep on reading kids...
Love PaPa
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