After posting the last post, nothing really seems appropriate to follow it. If you haven't watched the video of Rachel yet...you must do it! So this morning as I begin my same routine, school, wash & more school, I wanted to show you a picture of my new pantry. OOOH fun and exciting! Aren't you glad you checked the blog today! (haha) Well I'm sorry but this really excites me. I have very limited storage space in my kitchen so when I go food shopping I have to buy everything, every time. But now I have a place to store cans, side dishes, mac n cheese, pb & j, plates, napkins....YIPEE! This not only saves us money cause we can buy in bulk, but it saves me alot of time in the supermarket....(and every minute is crucial when carting around 3 crazy kids at the Giant!) Thanks to my man for cutting down the bench to make room for it....yur da best!
I'm not the best, you are! Thanks for a great weekend with the office. Today at work they thanked me again for the nice time they had. Have a great time today.
Wow, Chrissy it looks great. Bill did a nice job!
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