The year, 1990. The place, the bathroom of an all guys floor in my freshman dorm at Temple University. Drunk. Just got sick. Can't get up. Can't talk. Ashamed. Embarrased. Lonely. But wait. 19 years later I remember it. You saw me laying there. You protected me. You had compassion on me. You called me out. You picked me up. Clothed me with righteousness. The righteousness of your Son. You sent Him for me. You turned away from Him. He bore all the wrath I deserved. Wrath for my pride, my vanity, my selfishness, my foolishness. On that night you were there.
The year, 2009. I am your daughter. My name, Christina, is written on your hand. Your beloved. Your handiwork, the apple of your eye. How could this be? I don't deserve it. But that's what grace is. Oh Amazing grace! I deserve hell but I get Heaven. I deserve punishment but I get mercy. I deserve curses but I get blessings.
This is my Gospel Spot. (Jim Donohue's message: Forsaken). I go there when I am drifting. I go there when I am complacent. And when I go I always return filled with joy and thankfulness for my Savior.
The year, 2009. I am your daughter. My name, Christina, is written on your hand. Your beloved. Your handiwork, the apple of your eye. How could this be? I don't deserve it. But that's what grace is. Oh Amazing grace! I deserve hell but I get Heaven. I deserve punishment but I get mercy. I deserve curses but I get blessings.
This is my Gospel Spot. (Jim Donohue's message: Forsaken). I go there when I am drifting. I go there when I am complacent. And when I go I always return filled with joy and thankfulness for my Savior.
I got to the sentence that said, "The year 2009..." and started to cry. Thank you for writing this blog, at a time during the day when a person can get caught up in "office things"
I have many times opened up your blog to find myself thanking God for you. Your example to me is without words. Thank you for your love of me. A sinner. Honey I love you very much.
Thanks honey...I love you very much. It's amazing when I think how God brought us together shortly after this night. It was His plan all along that we be together...amazing!!!!
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