Check out this video of the brand new baby robins in the nest in our front porch. Mama has been sitting on them alot & one still hasn't hatched. I just watched her feed them this morning. Amazing!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day
Hope you all had a nice holiday weekend and had the chance to reflect on our veterans and brave soldiers who sacrafice so much for us all...( a special thanks & many prayers for my brother Jonathan). We spent the day in Lancaster at Bill's parents home celebrating the holiday as well as Sarah's 2nd birthday. The kids had fun as usual and Madison had the chance to try golf for the first time at the driving range. Here's a shot of her.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Swim Season Begins

We are all excited for the swim team to start. Madison had her first practices this week at a local middle school. It's fun to see her do really well and take what her coach says and apply it in the pool. Bill & I hope she continues to love the sport. Yesterday she did her first flip turn and completed 2 laps without stopping. We asked her when she learned a flip turn & she said she just saw the older girl ahead of her do it so she just followed her. Here's a funny shot of A & Matthew on the sidelines amusing themselves with Madison's swim caps. They were crackin us up. Our pool opens this weekend...Yipeeee! Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Science in Nature
And a Happy Anniversary to my mom & dad! We love you guys!
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Pantry
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Death is not Dying

Please click on this link to view this video of Rachel, a 37 year old wife and mom of 2 who is dying of breast cancer that has spread to her liver, bones and skull. The hope and faith she has will inspire and change you as it has me.
Monday, May 11, 2009
That's what my kids are. Here's the video of Adrienne & her little stunt. Hope my mom & mother-in-law had a wonderful Mother's day. It was a busy day for me, (hence the fact that I have no pictures to share)...but wonderful just the same. Also, A Happy Birthday shout out to my Mother-in Law! Thanks for all you do...have a great day!
PS. Don't try this at may just rip your arms out of joint.
PS. Don't try this at may just rip your arms out of joint.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Gospel Spot

The year, 1990. The place, the bathroom of an all guys floor in my freshman dorm at Temple University. Drunk. Just got sick. Can't get up. Can't talk. Ashamed. Embarrased. Lonely. But wait. 19 years later I remember it. You saw me laying there. You protected me. You had compassion on me. You called me out. You picked me up. Clothed me with righteousness. The righteousness of your Son. You sent Him for me. You turned away from Him. He bore all the wrath I deserved. Wrath for my pride, my vanity, my selfishness, my foolishness. On that night you were there.
The year, 2009. I am your daughter. My name, Christina, is written on your hand. Your beloved. Your handiwork, the apple of your eye. How could this be? I don't deserve it. But that's what grace is. Oh Amazing grace! I deserve hell but I get Heaven. I deserve punishment but I get mercy. I deserve curses but I get blessings.
This is my Gospel Spot. (Jim Donohue's message: Forsaken). I go there when I am drifting. I go there when I am complacent. And when I go I always return filled with joy and thankfulness for my Savior.
The year, 2009. I am your daughter. My name, Christina, is written on your hand. Your beloved. Your handiwork, the apple of your eye. How could this be? I don't deserve it. But that's what grace is. Oh Amazing grace! I deserve hell but I get Heaven. I deserve punishment but I get mercy. I deserve curses but I get blessings.
This is my Gospel Spot. (Jim Donohue's message: Forsaken). I go there when I am drifting. I go there when I am complacent. And when I go I always return filled with joy and thankfulness for my Savior.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pray for Noah

I was invited to join Noah's Road group on Facebook and I found the blog here. Noah is a 5 month old baby boy who is fighting for his life after a childcare worker shook him one day. I was struck by his parents faith during what must be an absolutely terrifying time. One of the blog entries tells us to grab our kids, kiss them, hug them and remember to always be thankful for the gifts they truly are. Visit the blog & join me in praying for this little guy.
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