...are hard to break. When Madison was about 8 weeks old she started sleeping through the night. The reason for this huge milestone...her thumb! She found that wonderful little thumb & it would become her friend when she was tired, hungry or upset. Bill & I were not concerned by this "bad" habit because we both sucked our thumbs...for me until I got braces in 3rd grade & Bill...let's just say his habit lasted a little longer than mine. Well now those 2 front teeth are starting to come in & after many conversations about teeth & my braces & headgear I had to wear, she agreed it was time to stop. So she picked out extra large Sponge Bob band-aids to help her quit. It has been 3 nights & she is doing great! She still sleeps with Didley, her favorite green dog beanie but has not sucked her thumb! Yay! Great job Mad!!! Keep it up. Daddy & I both know how hard it is to break this habit, but with God's help (she has been praying too) you can do it!!
Madison, I have been so proud of you with how well you have been doing with not sucking your thumb. I know personally how hard it is to stop, since I was 13 before I completely stopped, and you are a good example of what hard work can produce. I love you sweetie, you're getting so big.
Keep up the good work. Love & miss you........GeGe
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