It's been a year since I began this blog so I wanted to thank everyone (all 5 of you...hehe) for visiting and making comments, and for your encouragement. I have been so blessed just writing my thoughts out & posting pictures of Bill & the kids. It's like my little journal & it has been a blessing to me...so thanks...and keep checking in!! For those of you who come & don't make comments because your not sure how...just go to the bottom of the blog entry and click on comments & follow the instructions to leave a comment. If you don't have a google account just comment as anonymous but put your name in the comment.
I also wanted to ask for prayer for my Papa. He turned 90 yesterday & his health is failing rapidly. Please pray for God's mercy to be upon him...thanks.
Thank you for your persistence with the Blog. I know that you have a lot going on during the day, and they fact you can put this together is a blessing to me. Thanks for that.
I have been a silent lurker until now...happy blog birthday! I think I found your blog via cfhusband and I really like to read about your family!
Hi Christina...I really like your name...Welcome...thanks for introducing yourself! Maybe we'll get the chance to meet at church some day soon!
Hey Christina! It will say Ben...but it is Carolyn....I check in on you all the time....I am obsessed with all stuff blog an d facebook related. Love being able to se what you guys are up to :)
Hey Carolyn...thanks for making a comment. We loved the thank you card with Ben & his cute little chocolate face. Checking other peoples blogs is a favorite pastime of mine as well...thanks for visiting!
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