We have a busy weekend coming up. On Saturday we are having the family over to celebrate Madison's birthday & Sunday is Father's Day so I wanted to post a little about my dad. Growing up I remember big hugs from my dad. I remember many rides in the car to gymnastics practice & meets. Special treats after practice like Whoppers & Dr. Pepper and cheese danishes. I remember my dad being my biggest fan and supporter. My junior year in high school my dad filled out all of my college applications to every division 1 & 2 college that had gymnastics programs, created a video of my gymnastics set to music & sent them all out. He was always involved in all that we did and I always knew he would be there to support me. And even today he still gives great big hugs, is kind and gentle, always the peacemaker (except in our heated political discussions...you know those democrats...haha), and is always there to support his kids & grandkids. Thanks dad for all you do in the lives of your children & grandchildren!
Happy Father's Day! We Love You!!!

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