Well today Matthew had surgery for his thumb. (It was moved up from July 8th to today). It went very well! We were worried because he could not eat or drink anything this morning and surgery didn't begin until 12. He doesn't usually do well if he is hungry, but today he was great. We went to a surgery center in Chalfont, PA and the doctors & nurses were so wonderful. They gave him "giggle juice" which basically made him laugh & smile and roll his head around and be really silly. Bill & I were laughing so hard I was crying (& so were all the nurses). He kept trying to sit up but kept hitting his head on the side of the bed...poor guy. They took him in and about 10 minutes later the doctor appeared telling us it was a success. They simply cut the pulley that the flexor tendon runs through (because apparently we really don't need it), and now the t
humb can straighten & bend without getting caught.

I cried a little seeing my baby lie on the big surgical bed so little and all hooked up. He woke up happy to see "Bubba" and "Bippy" and rested in my lap while he enjoyed an orange slushie. We got him dressed, popped him in the car and he ate 3 bags of teddy grahams. He got a little grumpy when he realized he was having trouble using his right hand but other than that, he did great. We are glad it's over & thankful for the Lord's protection. Now we just have to make sure he keeps the soft cast on for a week. He already tried to do a handstand with it on today so I'm sure it will be a challenge to say the least. I have some pictures of Madison's birthday weekend to post so watch for them & have a good week!
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