This week we began school. The past 3 years we began on Labor Day and it works out pretty well. Bill takes the girls out to TJ's with their new backpacks and get to open them up and show daddy their books and flash cards and talk about the upcoming school year. This year I stayed home with Matthew for some fun school time focused just on him. We did our letter and number flash cards and read Matthew's favorite magazine "Your Big Backyard" (Thanks Gege & Papa!) When the girls came home we started on math and writing while daddy wrestled with Matthew upstairs. Around noon we traveled to Lancaster for a Labor Day picnic with Bill's side of the family. This was a nice way to ease into the year. The week has had it's ups and downs...the down would be when I forgot to eat breakfast and the hypoglycemia set in and I freaked out and yelled at Madison...yeah, it wasn't pretty. The ups included watching Adrienne succeed in completing her math work with a smile saying "Math is easy and fun!". I will be quite busy this year as I have taken on more responsibility at COMPASS (our co-op enrichment program) updating the website and other responsibilities.

After I yelled at Madison, I was running in my mind all I had to do and all the challenges that were facing me as well as how I can continue to struggle with anger at my kids. I began to become discouraged and feel weak in my own strength to homeschool the kids, take care of the home, run the kids to soccer and gymnastics and do the COMPASS responsibilites well and have the patience I need to be loving and compassionate with the kids. "I don't think I can do this all and do it well" was my silent prayer to God. And quickly He responded with His word to my mind..."But MY power is made PERFECT in your weakness!" Ah yes, thank you Lord. It's ok for me to feel weak and ill-equipped for all I have to do...because it is those times my faith grows a little bigger, that HE will provide all the power and strength I need each day to do it. So I am going back to school too...learning that I will never be a perfect mom, but each day I have faith that God is changing me and teaching me how to live relying on His strength and NOT my own.
Honey, it's good to see how God is there meeting you and more important you see how he is meeting you. Remember, HE will never leave you and at times when you are weak and feel inadequate, HE is there. We can find great hope in knowing that. It is great to see the love of our children with regards to you being their teacher. Thank you for your faith.
What a beautiful picture of the 3 kids. They look beautiful. Yes, Matthew too. I can't believe how big they look. Can't wait to see them. Love you..........MOM
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