So with our home overflowing with books, I needed to find a bookshelf and some kind of storage unit for the dining room. My goal is to keep my kitchen & dining room (the place where most of our homeschooling happens) looking still like a dining room but functional at the same time. The problem is, with Bill's recent injury & not being able to bring in extra money from appearances, we really did not want to spend the money. So I looked up all the Goodwills in our area, packed the kids up one morning last week and went on a mission. At the first one I found a 3-shelf bookcase for $8. This is now in our guest room/reading room. At the next place I found this server. It was an ugly colored brown oak, with old, ugly handles...it just looked old. BUT it had good storage inside & some potential...and it was $10. So I sanded it up, sprayed primer on it & 4 coats of white paint. I bought new handles at Home Depot and now it is in our dining room & is the home for playdoh, math manipulatives, science supplies, crafts, paper & coloring books.

I also had some extra kitchen curtain material & made a little curtain for my bookshelf. I never knew getting my home organized could be so fun! (I just wish I felt the same way about vacuuming & folding laundry).
I'm so impressed! What an eye for treasure you have :)
Thanks Carolyn!
Bill wasn't so sure when I brought it home but I think I sold him on it after a little TLC (on the cabinet...;)
Just saw your new book cabinet/hutch and it looks GREAT! And you're so quick--that project would have taken me 2 years probably--I'm impressed--and inspired!
Thanks Rachel!
Wow Chrissy,
You work fast. And it really looks nice. Good work. Can't wait to see it in person. MOM
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