Sorry I haven't posted this week...been fighting a sinus infection and feeling crummy. Speaking of feeling crummy, I've decided I really need to get healthy again. I spent 15 years of my younger life in the gym, training & working out. After having 3 kids and being pretty much sedentary (my arms get tired from folding laundry...yeah, it's bad), I really need to start exercising my body again. You would think I would be more motivated to exercise...with a degree in exercise physiology and being a former athlete...but no, I'm as lazy as they come. I don't enjoy exercise anymore...but hopefully that will change. I have what many women have after having kids...a separation in my abdominal muscles called rectus diastasis. I also think I have an underlying hernia near my belly button. This makes my core strength really weak. I often get muscle spasms & abdominal pain from it. I could probably use surgery, but before I do that I'm going to try to get my core stronger to see if that helps. So I created a little program for myself...and hopefully I can continue for longer than my usual one week. I'll let you know how it goes. In the mean time, enjoy this beautiful weekend!
1 comment:
First of all let me just say that taking care of 3 kids and a hyper active husband is very draining, so don't say that you are lazy. Second and most important, you are a hottie! I love how God has created you. SHMILY
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