Last Week we went to Linvilla Orchards to cut down our tree. I wanted a big fat tree to fill up the room with the big bay window...and that's what we got. The tree looked a lot smaller out in the field with the other trees but when we got it into the house we realized that bigger is not always better. It looks like a big bush has taken over the room. We barely had enough ornaments to fill it & it still looks a bit bare. That's ok because we created some great memories cutting it down. They took us on a hay ride into the field and the kids loved it. They ran from tree to tree..."how bout this one!?" Bill cut it down & we all cheered. We brought it home and had some hot cocoa and decorated it. I had to rearrange some...one branch just Matthew's height on the bottom had 10 ornaments on it. So now that the tree is up and almost all the gifts bought (you gotta love free shipping on
Amazon.com) we are ready!! Now we (ok I) have to wrap the gifts, make the cookies, and send the Christmas cards out. I am actually enjoying all the Christmas preparation. I especially love buying gifts and creating our Christmas cards...now that the kids are a little older & I have no diapers to change...it's actually fun now! Enjoy the pictures & I hope you like my songs...maybe I can figure out how to put some Christ

mas songs up!

1 comment:
It looks great honey. This blog has really helped with creating memories for our family. Thanks.
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