Well at least we know for sure that Madison is allergic to shellfish! She had a piece of crab meat last night and this was what happened to her. It's called Angioedema. Her bottom lip swelled quite a bit and I quickly gave her some Benadryl. It helped but I was a little worried. This morning she was fine. We'll be visiting an allergist soon, as well as an Ortho guy for Madison's pronating feet. I want her to get XRays since she is so loose-jointed, I don't want her ankles getting worse as she grows. And now on to my son. He has an inguinal hernia (in the groin), most likely he was born with it. I had them on both sides but never had them repaired until I was in college...not a good idea. Matthew will have surgery on Tuesday so we'll keep you posted. This picture is of the kids playing with Ellos. I'm not sure if they make them anymore but they are alot of fun...especially for girls. If you have a daughter, granddaughter or niece ages 4-10, its a great gift idea. Have a good weekend everyone!

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