I got a call today from the Obama campaign asking me who I am voting for. It was a good call because it helped me to state in my own words why I am voting for John McCain. I told the woman how I was torn. I really like Obama. I like that he is young and passionate. I like that he has a young family like me and holds family as important to him. He is intelligent and articulate and can energize people easily. This said however, I cannot in good conscience vote for someone so radical in his abortion views. As a Christian I believe all have a right to life, even the unborn, the unwanted, the unloved. Does this make me a one-issue voter, maybe I guess. The woman was not happy with my response and said that Obama was Pro-life as well, but supported choice. I told her you cannot be both, thanked her for the call and said good-bye. If you're feeling torn on this issue as well...here's a blog about faith & politics that had some interesting comments on it...check it out, but be warned, there is an abortion photo on the page that is hard to see. Also, here are 2 videos of the woman who survived an abortion. She has a powerful testimony to say the least!
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