Happy Birthday my son!!! Not only does he turn 3 today but he has officially given up his "Bippy" or pacifier! The past 2 nights he slept without it and did not cry or fuss or anything! He had a little trouble falling to sleep but other that that he has really been a BIG BOY about it...thank God! He and Adrienne had a great time at their party on Saturday...thanks to all their cousins, Uncle John, Aunt Amy, Aunt Dee, Gege, Papa, Nana & Poppy for making the day so special & for all the great gifts.
PS...Does this picture look familiar Uncle Jonathan????
Wow, what a great weekend! My wife was the true super hero. The way she prepared the food,(great food honey, and thanks to my father-in-law for the wings)ordered the cake, prepared the house and made sure everything was good for the kids. Some of my favorite moments were when Adrienne reacted when she got her very own webkinz, "Sweet Cheeks". To see her stop, squeeze the penquin, and then kiss it and say thank you so much, really brought a tear to my eye. My favorite moment with Matthew was when he opened his super hero pj's and wanted to put them on right away. He also was a big boy when he said that he was done with his bippy because, "he was a big boy now and baby Sara needed them more than he". Thanks Baby Sara. Thanks to all for helping us celebrate my children. I love you all for helping to create great memories for them.
Thanks so much for the card and pics. Hard to believe how fast the kids are growing! I wish I could have been there last weekend for all the fun. Big hugs for all the kids (especially A and Matthew for their B-days)!
Keep up the great work with the site....
Thanks Jon...good to hear from you!!!
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