We are all really enjoying Madison's swim meets. We are all together as a family, yelling & cheering Madison on...(and she's so darn cute in her swim suit and cap/goggles). She swam in the Varsity meet last night at a local pool near us.
She asked Bill if he would make a sign for her. I know...it's a pretty lame sign. Madison asked if it could read, "Go Madison Roth. Eat her bubbles!". Too funny! Anyway, it rained before the meet started but cleared up soon after.
Madison got 3rd in the backstroke, 4th in freestyle and also swam in the free relay. She does great for the first 15 meters & then poops out and starts lifting her head to see what place she's in. The best part for her is making friends and hanging out with all the other swimmers. Enjoy the pics!
Madison looks natural up there on the block. I showed the photos to David and now he wants to swim competively. (needs a few more lessons b4 he does that). Maybe next year we can get to one of her meets. I know the kids would love to cheer her on.
Thanks my good friend "anonymous"!!! Would love to have you guys come. Madison would be thrilled to know someone came to watch her swim...especially David!!
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