This is what I say often during Fall & Winter. It makes Bill laugh because I say it with such annoyance. I hate being cold....hate it...HATE IT! Yes I know I grew up near Buffalo...I should be used to it by now. Maybe so. When I was young I was diagnosed with Raynauds Phenomenon...which is a big word for my toes & fingers would turn completely white & cold & be lack of any blood whatsoever. It was quite fun showing this to my gymnastics coach when I was little. He would pick me up & run me to the kitchen to run warm water over my stark white toes...for fear that at any moment the little toe would fall right off into the sink. As I got older it would happen to my fingers as well...and not just when I was cold but nervous too. It is strange. My girlfriend Paula got me little warmers to put in my shoes & pockets...so as I type, my little piggies are toasty & quite happy...thanks Paula!!! So in order to be thankful to God for creating the seasons, even the cold ones...here are 10 things I like about the Fall...
1. The heating blanket on my bed turned up to level 10
2. Soft Fuzzy Jammies and Warm Fluffy Socks
3. Taking a bubble bath just to get warm again
4. My Birthday's in the fall :)
5. Fall candles lit in the house after it's all clean & picked up
6. Walking on crinkly dry leaves & the sound it makes
7. Leaf fights with the family in the backyard
8. The Huge supply of Halloween Candy that lasts until Easter
9. Family movie nights on the couch under a blanket
10. Eating soup!