We are so excited for our good friend Lloyd who is marrying a beautiful girl named Amy. I thought I would tell you a little about Lloyd and the impact he had on our lives.
Lloyd and Bill were partners in crime in high school. I've heard them tell some funny stories about their time in Chemistry class. Lloyd is also responsible for teaching Bill how to dance...have you seen Hip Hop break it down lately?!
I met Lloyd when I was dating Bill in college. We hit it off right away. His fun-loving personality was infectious! After Lloyd became a Christian he chose every opportunity to share the gospel with us. One time he came to visit us at our apartment in Philly. He questioned & challenged us and loved us by sharing truth we so desperately needed. Lloyd even sufferred through sleepless nights on a horrible pull-out couch with a bar sticking in his back and our new kitten Pina attacking every foot movement he made. (Now that's loving your brother for sure!)
I also remember Lloyd bringing me into a room at the Roth's home, sitting me down and posing the question "Christina, have you thought about whether you would be in heaven if you died tomorrow?" At the time I said..."Sure I'll be in heaven. I'm a good person!" It was then that God began to do a work in my heart.
So thank you Lloyd for loving us and sharing the precious gospel message with us...for it is our greatest need...salvation by faith alone in Christ alone. We will pray for you & Amy as you start your life together as one, reflecting Christ's love as you love one another.